India Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber

Monoplace & Multiplace Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy chambers for human & veterinary applications at most affordable prices to suit stand alone centers & small clinics to large hospital facilities.

We offer tailor made unmatched
* Pre-sales consultation
*Training prior to installation
*On-site post installation orientation to Physicians & Technicians.*After sales-service commitment programmes

Call or write to us more details or for a demo: Cell: 9769 484 123 / 9769 006 123 Tel: 022 - 65 655 123 Email: /

" We are driven by our passionate belief that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy will be within the reach of every one that needs the benefit of the oxygen revolution can render in India " - Bird.J.K

Monday, August 10, 2015

India. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Physiotherapy, Sports Medicine & Wellness:

Stroke Rehabilitation:
* Activates dormant neurons in the penumbra zone.
* Relieves spasticity
* Facilitates movements
* Improves motor power
* Reduces stroke
* Increases physical and mental exercise capacity

Head Injury Rehabilitation:
* Decreases cerebral edema in acute stage
* Decreases spasticity
* Accelerates recovery
* Improves cognitive function recovery in combination with brain jogging
* Relieves post-traumatic headaches

* Paraplegia Rehabilitation:
* Relieves spasticity
* Improves vital capacity
* Increases exercise capacity
* Decreases hyperammonemia resulting from exhaustive exercise.

Myocardial Ischemia:
* Improves exercise capacity
* Prevents recurrence of ischemic episodes
* Decreases BP in hypertensives
* Long-term use reverses atherosclerosis

Patients with Ischemic Leg Pain:
* Increases painless exercise capacity
* Relieves pain both at rest and on activity
* Reduces biochemical disturbances resulting from exercise of ischemic muscles
* Counteracts the vasoconstriction effect of HBO
* Improvement is maintained after cessation of HBOT when the ceiling effect is reached

Benefits of HBOT in Sports Injuries:
* Reduces swelling and pain in acute stage
* Improves fracture healing
* Aids recovery from exhaustion and collapse
* Speeds up recovery and return to active training

Benefits in Wellness:
• Improved performance
• Increased strength
• Enhanced endurance
• Energy boost preventing exhaustion
• Reducing inflammation, swelling, pain
• Reducing fatigue and recovery time
• Speeding up healing of muscles, ligaments and fractured bones
• Reducing and preventing infection
• Reducing scar tissue formation
• Cleansing blood from toxins and toxic substances
• Maintaining general health
• Many acute and chronic problems
* Improves skin tone and texture
* Anti aging affects of the body.

For More Information write to:
Bird Medical Devices, Mumbai, India.
Tel:91-22-65655123 Mobile: 91-9769 484 123 (or) 91-9769 006 123 /