India Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber

Monoplace & Multiplace Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy chambers for human & veterinary applications at most affordable prices to suit stand alone centers & small clinics to large hospital facilities.

We offer tailor made unmatched
* Pre-sales consultation
*Training prior to installation
*On-site post installation orientation to Physicians & Technicians.*After sales-service commitment programmes

Call or write to us more details or for a demo: Cell: 9769 484 123 / 9769 006 123 Tel: 022 - 65 655 123 Email: /

" We are driven by our passionate belief that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy will be within the reach of every one that needs the benefit of the oxygen revolution can render in India " - Bird.J.K

Friday, July 24, 2015

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) " THE NEED OF THE HOUR " in India. (Why doctors do not prescribe Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in India ?)

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is the administration of 100% oxygen while the patient is in a pressurized environment. The combination of pressure and oxygen increases the number of oxygen molecules that are dissolved in the blood plasma which then is delivered to the tissues.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) stimulates fibroblast proliferation, collagen synthesis, and angiogenesis. Some benefits are as follows: enhancement of white blood cells, enhancement of antibiotic activity, and vasoconstriction (reduces edema). When a wound does not heal due to insufficient blood supply, HBOT can increase blood vessel growth which then initiates healing.
Despite HBOT that is indicated for other various conditions, wound healing is a prime therapy that is exploited the least in India while thousands of diabetic foot patients spend huge amount of money and at last stand to loose their legs or part of their limbs in most cases.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ( HBOT ) when used as an adjunct treatment of modality can significantly improve morbidity and mortality, reduce length of hospital stay, reduces the need for surgical interventions, lessen the need for surgery or foot amputations, reduces treatments costs, improves quality of life…
Problems that can be treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and is most relevant to the Indian medical scenario:
1. Diabetic wounds of the lower extremity
2. Acute traumatic peripheral ischemia.
3. Crush Injury, Compartment Syndrome, suturing of severed limbs
4. Necrotizing fasciitis
5. Acute Peripheral Arterial Insufficiency
6. Compromised Skin Grafts/Failed flaps (Wound Dehiscence)
7. Chronic Refractory Osteomyelitis
8. Osteoradionecrosis
9. Soft Tissue Radionecrosis
Why doctors do not prescribe Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in India ?
Doctors in India are rarely taught about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) in medical school and therefore most do not know about the benefits it renders. If physicians don’t know about a therapy, they obviously will not prescribe it. Hence Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has been restricted to a handful of centers in India.
More over, until the recent past, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chambers were thought be unaffordable, not a profitable proposition for their medical facilities and Hyperbaric treatments are not affordable to deserving patients.
Bird Medical Devices in India is dedicated to promoting affordable Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chambers that are:
* Profitable to medical centers and are
* Affordable to their patients
For information, write or call:
Bird Medical Devices, Mumbai, India.
Tel:91-22-65655123 Mobile: 91-9769 484 123 (or) 91-9769 006 123 /
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