India Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber

Monoplace & Multiplace Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy chambers for human & veterinary applications at most affordable prices to suit stand alone centers & small clinics to large hospital facilities.

We offer tailor made unmatched
* Pre-sales consultation
*Training prior to installation
*On-site post installation orientation to Physicians & Technicians.*After sales-service commitment programmes

Call or write to us more details or for a demo: Cell: 9769 484 123 / 9769 006 123 Tel: 022 - 65 655 123 Email: /

" We are driven by our passionate belief that Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy will be within the reach of every one that needs the benefit of the oxygen revolution can render in India " - Bird.J.K

Saturday, February 3, 2018

India. Small animal & Equine veterinary hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) chamber

For complete info click on below links:

Small animal veterinary hyperbaric chamber in India:

Equine veterinary hyperbaric chamber in India:

India. Veterinary hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) chamber in small animal practice.

Veterinary HBOT gained popularity in the veterinary field, large animal hyperbaric chambers were developed and placed in many veterinary practices, rehabilitation facilities, and educational institutions in multiple countries. 

Veterinary HBOT is now routinely used to treat swelling, trauma, non-healing wounds, and other ailments in animals including dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, and horses. 

The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy as an exciting adjunctive therapy has provided veterinarians with another option to significantly improve animal medical care, and has been used in the treatment of multiple conditions in the past decade.

Treatment in the hyperbaric oxygen chamber increases pressure around the patient and causes the body to dissolve more oxygen into the blood, plasma and other body fluids. Higher amount of oxygen reaches the tissues where the blood supply is compromised, thus, improving and speeding up the healing process.”

During veterinary hyperbaric oxygen therapy the patient is placed safely and comfortably in a hyperbaric chamber designed specifically for small animals. At a maximum of 2 Atmospheric Pressure (ATA), and closely monitored by trained staff, 100 percent pure oxygen treatments are given. 

The VHBOT chamber is designed and built specifically for veterinary use, has proved to be effective for nonhealing wounds, burns, deep tissue infections, bone infections, decubital ulcers, vasculitis, and postsurgical recovery.

Treatments may last from 60 – 75 minutes, depending on the prescribed therapy. The total number of treatments necessary varies according to the type of treatment and the patient’s response. Most patients appear calm and relaxed during hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Many even fall asleep.

According to publicly available medical literature, hyperbaric oxygen therapy results in reduction in swelling, stimulation of new blood vessel formation into the healing/swollen tissue, a reduction in pressure caused by head or spinal cord injuries, improved would healing, and improved infection control.

Veterinary Hyperbaric oxygen therapy often called VHBOT can be of great help to veterinary patients by speeding up the healing process and may reduce or eliminate the need for more invasive procedures such as surgery, oftentimes resulting in a net savings of time and cost of treatment for pet owners.

For complete info on:  

Small animal veterinary hyperbaric chamber in India:

Equine veterinary hyperbaric chamber India :

India. Veterinary Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Chamber in small animal veterinary medicine:

Veterinary Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (VHBOT) in small animal veterinary medicine is a revolutionary medical technology, useful for the treatment of acute injuries as well as for the enhancement of healing chronic disorders in both small and large veterinary patients. Proven effective in human medicine, HBOT is used as an adjunct therapy to other medications and procedures. Clinical experience has shown that this same technology can be applied successfully to many medical conditions of  animals.

Veterinary Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (VHBOT) is an important adjunct tool in veterinary medicine. HBOT provides endless possibilities, whether treating the canine athlete, the family pet or an exotic animal species.

HBOT treatment benefit the post-operative veterinary patient greatly. Immediate results include the reduction of tissue swelling and inflammation – and the decrease in pain associated with these processes. 

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be of great help to veterinary patients by speeding up the healing process and may reduce or eliminate the need for more invasive procedures such as surgery, oftentimes resulting in a net savings of time and cost of treatment for pet owners.

The following is a list of some conditions in veterinary medicine currently being treated with HBOT often in addition to conventional therapies:

* Wound healing – large wounds that would take months to heal can heal much more rapidly and cleanly – saving money and lives
* Abscesses – oxygen and antibiotic penetration into areas otherwise poorly penetrable.
* Fractures – post fracture pain, swelling and infection are helped as well as fibroblast stimulation and healing.
* Thermal Burns – healing is improved, infection diminished, increased survival rates overall for burn victims is proven.
* Skin grafts and flaps – flaps and grafts heal better and take better without infection or excessive inflammation.
* Neovascularization and decreased inflammation are tremendous help in healing.
* Spider bites – initial swelling and necrosis does not occur or reverses rapidly with HBOT intervention.
* Osteomyelitis – proven improved fibroblast function, antibiotic levels in bone and healing.
* Lyme Disease – the organism cannot survive the hyperbaric environment
* Hepatic, renal and bowel inflammation – post-operative inflammation of bowel, post-bloat or post-obstruction occurs and diminishes chances of sepsis and decreases effusion. Decreases repercussion injury. 
* Pain management – swelling decreases, oxygenation improves, enhances function of some pain medications.
* Post intervertebral disc herniation especially with “no deep pain” sensation– patients not deemed surgical candidates or patients who cannot afford surgery or did not respond well to surgery are helped tremendously.
* Pancreatitis, particularly when associated with severe edema and hemorrhage – reduction in pain, swelling of pancreas and improved healing.
* Abdominal sepsis, particularly when associated with mixed bacterial infection: decreased inflammation, improved penetration of antibiotics to all areas of bowel and within peritoneal fluid, improved healing.
* Brain and spinal cord edema and injury or compression and Degenerative myelopathy– marked edema reduction returns patients to consciousness and can reverse damage to brain and cord quickly. These are some of the most dramatic results. 
* Granulomatous Meningoencephalitis (GME) symptoms reverse due to decreased inflammation without concurrent medications.
* Pyothorax, particularly when associated with mixed bacterial infection – same as peritonitis
* Post traumatic or ischemic shock or any acute hypoxic episodesSevere sinusitis or septic rhinitis – antibiotic delivery improves, inflammation goes down, pain is reduced

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is often used in combination with other forms of therapy to treat injuries and illnesses including wounds and burns, post-surgical swelling, sepsis, pancreatitis, necrosis, and stroke. It reduces swelling and inflammation, eases pressure and edema caused by head or spinal cord injuries, stimulates new blood vessel formation in healing tissues, improves control of infection, and promotes wound healing. 

Reduces length of healing time, hospital stay and hence cost effective.

Kindly click on the below link: (Integrative Veterinary care Journal)
1.              Thom SR. Hyperbaric oxygen: Its mechanisms and efficacy. Plast Reconstr Surg 2011;127:131S-141S.
2.              Simpson D. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy part one: The theory behind the practice. Aust Vet Pract 2009; 39:93-101.
3.              Edwards ML. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Part 1: History and principles. J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2010; 20:284-288.
4.              Kerwin SC, Hosgood G, Strain GM, et al. The effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on a compromised axial pattern flap in the cat. Vet Surg 1993; 22:31-36.

5.              Kerwin SC, Lewis DD, Elkins AD, et al. Effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on incorporation of an autogenous cancellous bone graft in a nonunion diaphyseal ulnar defect in cats. Am J Vet Res 2000; 61:691-698.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

India. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - Anti Aging & Wellness:

Many of today’s illnesses as well as premature aging are caused by lack of oxygen. Oxygen therapy today is not only used for treatment of serious medical conditions, but is widely popular and available as a natural therapy to cope with effects in Wellness, Cosmetic, Spa Therapies.

An absolute key component of optimal physical and mental health is oxygen. Oxygen therapy is a natural way to cope with the effects of aging, illnesses, infection, injury….
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is an outstanding all natural therapy with no side effects that will help you to look and feel your best! There is no other anti-aging therapy that is so effortless and yet so effective.
There’s no special secret to why hyperbaric oxygen therapy is the perfect anti-aging treatment. From birth our cells begin to age. Even though we create new ones every day, cell decay is an irreversible process made worse by the accumulation of pollutants all around us. Hyperbaric oxygen can significantly improve your body’s ability to fight cell decay by destroying harmful bacteria, ramping up your body’s immune system and increasing blood flow which helps repair and regrow damaged cells.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is used at spas, wellness centers, cosmetic clinics that focus on the health of the body as well as the health and beauty of the skin. The applications include:
*Skin and body rejuvenation *Anti-aging  *Skin toning *Wrinkles reduction *Detoxification *Stimulation of the immune system *Longevity.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy may have the following benefits for Anti-Aging and Rejuvenation:
*Increases collagen and elastin production *Increases antioxidant production *Increases neuronal energy metabolism in the brain *Can improve concentration and cognitive function *Wakes up sleeping (idling) brain cells  *Enhances the body’s immune system and ability to fight infection *Detoxifies the body (e.g. air pollution, etc.) *Removes free radicals.
One of the more spectacular uses of HBOT, recognized even by conventional American medicine, is its powerful detoxification benefit. Thus, given that your skin is not only your single largest organ but also plays a major role in detoxification, and given that toxins in your body definitely show up as skin blemishes and discolorations. Thus removing toxins and the aesthetic benefits to your skin is shown outwardly.
Ask us for more info:
Bird Medical Devices, Mumbai, India. 
Tel:91-22-65655123 Mobile: 91-9769 484 123 (or) 91-9769 006 123 /

Sunday, August 30, 2015

India. Oxygen Therapy in Yoga, Ayurveda & Modern Medicine - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.


Shri Modi addresses National Ayurveda Summit, emphasizes on adapting technology to promote India’s rich Ayurvedic legacy:
Humans have been known to survive for months without water and weeks without food yet die within minutes when deprived of oxygen. Respiration represents the power of "prana", the ultimate expression of energy and life - The core energy is Oxygen !!!

Swami Ramdev announces ....

"I have brought to you a package of seven simple breathing exercises... these are enough to tackle all diseases". "It is breath (Oxygen) that keeps you alive. Nobody has died while breathing., "Life starts with pranayama, the child is made to cry and perform the first pranayam, bhastrika, as it takes a deep breath and starts crying. This ensures blood flow to the brain as well as oxygen.

It is pranayam that ensures adequate oxygen supply. "The nervous system and the brain depends on oxygen for optimum performance".

The breathing exercises provide oxygen to the cells, rejuvenate them, and takes away toxic waste. Ayurveda takes in consideration Prana, life energy that performs respiration, oxygenation and circulation.

Ultimately Oxygen !!!

Centuries old study of Yoga & Ayurveda medicine expresses the importance of Oxygen and have tapped the energy of oxygen for wellbeing.

In modern day medicine "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy" uses the therapeutic properties of oxygen the most. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is an outstanding all natural therapy with no side effects, while dissolving acceptable limits of oxygen.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is not alternative medicine, obeys laws of science and is a mainstream therapy as adjunct to many modern day treatments such as healing diabetic foot wounds, burns etc.
There is no other anti-aging therapy that is so effortless and yet so effective. 

Many of today’s illnesses as well as premature aging are caused by lack of oxygen. Oxygen feeds the body, supports the immune system, destroys toxic substances, and promotes new cell growth that is shown outwardly in the skin.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a confused therapy among many modern day medical, academic, and lay communities. The source of the confusion is a fundamental misunderstanding of the definition, principles, and mechanisms of action of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

There is a growing need for a better understanding of Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy in many areas of modern day medicine.

To read more kindly visit:

( All statements or views expressed in this site are not specifically or explicitly aimed at any person(s), organisations, associations or general public. The Information provided within this site is not to be considered as Medical Advice. The content provided herein is for informational purposes only. Consult a doctor before pursuing any form of therapy including hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy ) oxygen therapy yoga, oxygen therapy ayurveda, oxygen therapy yoga india, oxygen therapy ayurveda india