History of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy:
1662 - The first documented use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy was in by a British physician to treat pulmonary disease and help with digestion.
1834 - The first hyperbaric oxygen chamber was built in France. People came from all over the world to try this new therapy.
1860 - The first hyperbaric chamber was built in North America.
1877 - The first portable hyperbaric chamber was developed. By this time, most major European cities had hyperbaric oxygen chambers.
1879 - French doctors began performing surgeries in hyperbaric chambers.
1891 - Doctors in the U.S. began using hyperbaric oxygen therapy to treat nervous disorders.
1895 - Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was found to be effective in treating carbon monoxide poisoning.
1928 - The world’s largest hyperbaric chamber was built for $1 million in Cleveland, Ohio by Dr. Cunningham. It was a 5 story high steel ball that contained 60 rooms. This hyperbaric chamber used pressurized air to treat a variety of health problems. Harvard Medical School built a hyperbaric chamber for medical research in the same year.
1934 - A U.S. Naval officer found hyperbaric oxygen therapy to be effective in treating decompression sickness.
1938 - Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was found to be effective in treating leprosy.
1961 - Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was found to be effective in treating gas gangrene.
1963 - The first International Congress on Hyperbaric Medicine convened in Amsterdam.
1966 - Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was found to be effective in treating stroke patients.
1963 - The first International Congress on Hyperbaric Medicine convened in Amsterdam.
1966 - Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was found to be effective in treating stroke patients.
1970 - Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was found to be effective in treating multiple sclerosis.
1973 - Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was found to reduce mortality from heart attacks.
1988 - The International Society of Hyperbaric Medicine was founded.
1973 - Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was found to reduce mortality from heart attacks.
1988 - The International Society of Hyperbaric Medicine was founded.
1990 - Dr. Igor Gamow patented the Gamow bag, a portable hyperbaric chamber used by mountain climbers to treat altitude sickness, as well as for sports conditioning by athletes.
2000 - Hyperbaric medicine was approved by the American Board of Medical Specialties as a sub-speciality of emergency and preventative medicine.
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